Warwick Road Dental Surgery
576 Warwick Rd, Tyseley, Birmingham B11 2HR
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 2 months ago)
Helping you find an NHS dentist
Data supplied by the NHS website nhs.uk.
Here are the NHS dentists in and closest to Tyseley listed by NHS England who have indicated they are currently taking on new NHS patients:
576 Warwick Rd, Tyseley, Birmingham B11 2HR
0.6 miles away
nhs.uk/services/dentist/warwick-road-dental-surgery/V004874 Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 2 months ago)
63 Westley Rd, Birmingham B27 7UQ
0.7 miles away
bhandaldentalpractices.co.uk Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared a month ago)
28 Station Rd, Birmingham B27 6DN
0.7 miles away
villagedentalsurgery.co.uk Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared a month ago)
Unit 2, 1078 Warwick Rd, Acocks Green, Birmingham B27 6BH
0.7 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 3 months ago)
835 Stratford Rd, Birmingham B11 4DA
1.2 miles away
bhandaldentalpractices.co.uk Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared a month ago)
529 Hob Moor Rd, South Yardley, Birmingham B25 8TH
1.3 miles away
yewtreedentalcare.co.uk Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 27 days ago)
103A Golden Hillock Rd, Birmingham B10 0DP
1.3 miles away
bhandaldentalpractices.co.uk Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared a month ago)
1746 Coventry Rd, Birmingham B26 1BG
1.3 miles away
bhandaldentalpractices.co.uk/b26-b33 Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared a month ago)
These dentists are further away but started taking on new NHS patients in the last 4 weeks:
286 Ladypool Rd, Birmingham B12 8JU
1.8 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 11 days ago)
694 Alum Rock Rd, Birmingham B8 3NU
2.3 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 7 days ago)
820 Washwood Heath Rd, Birmingham B8 2NW
2.7 miles away
bhandaldentalpractices.co.uk/ward-end Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 12 days ago)
262 Alcester Rd S, Birmingham B14 6DR
3.3 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 4 days ago)
21 Station Rd, Marston Green, Birmingham B37 7AB
3.5 miles away
riverdalehealthcare.com/marstongreendental Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 13 days ago)
61 Pershore Rd S, Birmingham B30 3EL
4.9 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 12 days ago)
195 Birchfield Rd, Handsworth, Birmingham B19 1LL
5 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 18 days ago)
183 Redditch Rd, Birmingham B38 8RH
5.7 miles away
mydentist.co.uk/birmingham-662 Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 18 days ago)
Bhandal , 58 Bunbury Rd, Birmingham B31 2DW
5.7 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 13 days ago)
NHS dentists are required by the NHS to indicate on their NHS profile on the NHS website if they are accepting new NHS patients. We check the NHS website daily to see which dentists are accepting new NHS patients.
If you have searched for dentists near you accepting new NHS patients, and a dentist on your list tells you they are not currently accepting new patients, then please politely ask them to update and correct their NHS profile online.
We will then automatically detect the change within 24-48 hours. There is no need to contact us to let us know.
You can try calling the next practice on your list, or checking the practices on your list that started accepting new patients within the last two weeks.
Some NHS dental practices are currently required by the NHS to keep their status permanently set to “accepting new patients” even after their so-called “quota” of new patients has already been met. If you think it would be more useful for these practices to update their status once they have met their quota then please contact NHS England to let them know.
Currently Dental Choices uses data self-reported by practices (via the NHS website), but we think user corrections and updates might be more helpful. See our GoFundMe for more details and how to help.
Find out what to do if you cannot find an NHS dentist taking on new patients.
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576 Warwick Rd, Tyseley, Birmingham B11 2HR
Might take new NHS patients (Declared 2 months ago)
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