Data supplied by the NHS website
Here are the closest NHS dentists to Bicester who have indicated they are currently taking on new NHS patients:
Kidlington Dental Centre
31 Kidlington, 33 Oxford Rd, Kidlington OX5 2BP
7.9 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 2 months ago)
Damira Bury Knowle Dental Practice
9.8 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on a month ago)
Manor Dental Clinic
10 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 24 days ago)
Studental Dental Care Oxford
10.6 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on a month ago)
St. John's Dental Practice
10.9 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 2 months ago)
Westbridge Dental Practice
Templars Square Shopping Centre, 127 pound way, Oxford OX4 3XH
11.9 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 21 days ago)
Iffley Dental
12 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on a month ago)
Bloxham Dental Practice
Church St, Bloxham, Banbury OX15 4ES
12.5 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on a month ago)
Leys Dental Practice
Leys Health Care, Dunnock Way, Oxford OX4 7EX
12.7 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 28 days ago)
Thame House Dental Practice
12.8 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on a month ago)
These dentists are further away but started taking on new NHS patients in the last 4 weeks:
Mr Desai
Water Eaton Health Centre, Fern Grove, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK2 3HN
19 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 11 days ago)
Bridge Street Dental
17A Bridge St, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1AH
20.8 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 24 days ago)
Miss NZ Ali
264 Desborough Rd, High Wycombe HP11 2QR
24.9 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 25 days ago)
NHS Dentist In Chess Medical Centre
Chess Medical Centre, 260-290 Berkhampstead Rd, Chesham HP5 3EZ
26.6 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 17 days ago)
Beaconsfield House Dental
28 Aylesbury End, Beaconsfield HP9 1LW
30.1 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 17 days ago)
Dhivesh and Rishika Patel
451 London Rd, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9BE
30.5 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 24 days ago)
Beech Hill Dental Practice
249 Dunstable Rd, Luton LU4 8BP
30.6 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 26 days ago)
Woodhall Farm Dental Surgery
Dental Surgery, 2 Dunster Rd, Hemel Hempstead HP2 7QD
31.5 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 17 days ago)
Redbourn Dental Practice
39 High St, Redbourn, St Albans AL3 7LW
33.1 miles away Website
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 9 days ago)
Regent Street Dental Practice
33.1 miles away
Might take new NHS patients (Declared on 16 days ago)
What should I do if a dentist is no longer accepting new patients?
NHS dentists are required by the NHS to indicate on their NHS profile on the NHS website if they are accepting new NHS patients. We check the NHS website daily to see which dentists have indicated they are accepting new NHS patients.
If you have searched for dentists near you accepting new NHS patients, and a dentist on your list tells you they are not currently accepting new patients, then please politely ask them to update and correct their NHS profile online.
We will then automatically detect the change within 24-48 hours. There is no need to contact us to let us know.
You can try calling the next practice on your list, or checking the practices on your list that started accepting new patients within the last two weeks.
Why does it say “Might take new NHS patients”?
69% of practices have indicated they are not accepting new patients and are excluded from our find an NHS dentist search results.
The practices that have indicated that they are accepting new patients may currently have have ‘no capacity’ for new patients.
How can practices be ‘accepting new NHS patients’ but have ‘no capacity’?
The NHS is providing some additional funding to help cover the extra cost of providing dental treatment to a very small quota of new patients each week. In order to qualify for the extra funding, participating practices are, in some areas, required to keep their status permanently set to “accepting new patients” – even after the small “quota” of new patients has been fulfilled.
The rationale for keeping all the statuses set to “accepting new patients” is to prevent any single practice from being overwhelmed with new patient enquiries. The result however, is that our lists of dentists accepting new NHS patients are less useful than they once were.
If you think it would be more useful for practices to update their statuses to show only when they have available capacity and quota to accept new patients, then please contact NHS England and your MP to let them know.
Help make Dental Choices better
Currently Dental Choices uses data self-reported by practices (via the NHS website), but we think user corrections and updates might be more helpful. See our GoFundMe for more details and how to help.
Can’t find an NHS dentist near you?
Find out what to do if you cannot find an NHS dentist taking on new patients.
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